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Cooking Class


Initial Nutrition Consultation - 60 minutes - $250

  • Your first appointment consists of the following:

    • Assessment of current nutrition and dietary patterns

    • In-depth discussion of personal nutrition goals 

    • Motivations assessment​

  • You will receive:

    • Personalized meal plan

      • Meal plans are created based off of each individual's:

        • In-depth discussion of personal nutrition goals

        • Calorie and macronutrient needs​​

        • Food preferences and cravings

        • Dietary restrictions

        • Assessment of current nutrition and dietary patterns

        • Assessment of meal timing 

    • ​Nutrition Handouts​
    • Unlimited support including phone calls, texts, e-mails with any questions or concerns that you may have


Follow-up Visits​- 30 minutes - $75

  • Accountability

  • Monitor progress toward nutrition goals or update nutrition goals

  • Updates and additions to personalized meal plan

  • Work on behavior therapy techniques

  • Provide further nutrition education and additional resources


Kitchen Cleanout- 2 hours - $150

  • In-home assessment of all food inventory in kitchen, refrigerators, freezers

  • Create “keep” and “throw away/donate” piles based on kitchen inventory

  • Provide nutrition education based on food items in home

  • Provide lists of healthy staple pantry items


Grocery Store Tours- 60 minutes- $85- individual or $45/person for 2+ people

  • Meet at your personal grocery store

  • Tour the store and learn shopping strategies for each aisle and department​​

  • Provide nutrition education

  • Assist you in creating the best, nutritious grocery lists for you and your family

  • Individual or group grocery store tours


Macronutrient Calculation -30 minutes - $75

  • Assessment of current nutrition and dietary patterns

  • In-depth discussion of personal nutrition goals 

  • Personalized calculations for you:

    • Calories per day​

    • Fat (g) per day

    • Protein (g) per day

    • Carbohydrates (g) per day


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